Thursday, March 31, 2011

Word Of Wisdom

   Ada banyak ilmuwan terkenal yang ternyata dekat dengan Tuhan.
Contohnya antara lain Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Lagrange,
Johann Kepler, Robert Boyle, Charles Babbage, Louis Pasteur,
Michael Faraday, daftarnya terus berlanjut...
   Pengalaman apa yang mereka dapat dalam berhubungan dengan
Tuhan? Itu mereka tuliskan di banyak tulisan ilmiah karya me-
reka. Tulisan-tulisan ini juga yang bakal gue kutip di dalam
serial Words of Wisdom, yaitu Wisdom yang mereka dapat setelah
mengetahui betapa dalamnya Allah mengasihi mereka.
   Kita mulai dengan Blaise Pascal...


  "Suatu satuan yang dihubungkan dengan bilangan tak terhinggga
   tak akan menambahkan apa pun kepadanya, sama seperti ukuran
   satu kaki yang ditambahkan pada panjang yang tak terhingga.
   Keterbatasan akan lebur tak berbekas di hadapan hadirat Allah.
   Begitu pula dengan akal pikiran kita di hadapan Allah."

                    Blaise Pascal


  "I am overwhelmed by the order and organization of the universe.
   This must demonstrate that there is a Creator."

                    Albert Einstein

   "Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard
    to the book of nature, it befits us to be thoughtful, not of
    the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the
    glory of God".

                    Johann Kepler

   "At the center of every human being is a God-shaped vacuum
    which can only be filled by Jesus Christ."

                    Blaise Pascal


  Sir Michael Faraday was close to death. A friend and well wisher
came by and said, "Sir Michael, what speculations have you now?"
This friend was trying to introduce some levity into the situation.
Faraday's career had consisted of making speculations about science
and then dash into the laboratory to either prove or disprove them.
It was a reasonable thing to say.

Faraday took it very seriously. He replied:

"Speculations, man, I have none. I have certainties. I thank God
that I don't rest my dying head upon speculations for I know
whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep
that which I've committed unto him against that day."


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